We may not have a “winner take all” culture, but it often feels that way. We have a tendency to overvalue winners and overly devalue losers. A person or a business or an idea that manages to rise to a position of indisputable dominance in their field – business, science, the arts, sports – are frequently considered to be possessed of rare, almost magical qualities. They become case studies into best business practices or the nature of genius.

And rightly so. There are truly insightful innovators at Facebook and Google and Twitter, there are histories of savvy decision-making and brand-building at General Foods and General Motors, there is a burning brilliance that fueled the discoveries of Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur, and the creative achievements of Joyce and Picasso are towering and enduring for a reason.

However, if you look just a notch or two below these undisputed champions, these world-changers, these gold medal winners who bestride their domains like colossi, there are thousands of stories ­– sometimes cautionary, sometimes inspiring – among those who didn’t quite make it to the very pinnacle, those in the silver or bronze medal spots or off the podium entirely, the 80-pound chimps who for one reason or another never became the 800-pound gorilla.

This site is dedicated to them – The Also-Rans.   We hope you’ll enjoy perusing these stories and that you find them as interesting to read about as we have found it rewarding to report on.

For those new to this site, the About page serves as a quick context-setter.  The stories themselves can be navigated by category using the links to the right.  On the Observations page, we’ve drawn a few conclusions about coming in second best, at best.


Posted by Ray Agostinelli

Working and writing in Boulder, CO

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